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Ten horns and the Beast

Ten horns and Little horn

I will tell you the mystery of… the “beast with seven heads” and “ten horns” – Revelation 17:7.

What does it mean of “seven heads” and “ten horns” ? This is a hiding and interesting mystery.

Which beast did apostle John seeing? The seven heads’ beast? Or the 8th beast? Which one did he see? Let’s see what the beast he was seeing.

Seven heads’ beast – seven kingdoms

This calls for a mind with wisdom: the seven heads are seven mountains(kingdoms) on which the woman is seated; 10 they are also seven kings, five of whom have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come, and when he does come he must remain only a little while” – Revelation 17:9,10.

Seven heads means seven mountains, and mountain means kingdom, mountain can be said is the highest dominion(world hegemony). Just like Babylon was one of the mountains…

Daniel 2:37,38 says, Babylon “…has given the kingdom, the power, and the might, and the glory, 38 and into whose hand he has given, wherever they dwell, the children of man, the beasts of the field, and the birds of the heavens, making you rule over them all.”

So the seven heads means the seven kingdoms. In 1st century apostle John’s time, five kingdoms had fallen, one was still existing. Which one? No doubt, the one that was existing in John’s time was Roman Empire.

If we see the history back from Roman Empire(6th head), before Roman Empire was the Greek Empire(5th head->has fallen), and before was Medo-Persia Empire(4th), and before was Babylon Empire(3rd), and before was Assyrian Empire(2nd). And the first empire was ancient Egypt which was the first head or first mountain, the first kingdom in our human history, and those all five had fallen.

Then who was the seventh head? We can say it was United Kingdom(British Empire). So what does it mean of the beast with seven heads? It means a “whole” of all kingdoms with highest dominion in our history. The seven heads represent a “whole” of all kingdoms from ancient Egypt(the 1st head) to the United kingdom(the 7th head).

To be precise the beast with seven heads is the “whole” of seven kingdoms from 1st one(Egypt) to the 7th one(UK), and also plus the “little horn“(the eighth one) and the “ten horns“.

Just like you use a camera to take a picture of seven heads’ beast, you zoom out and zoom out the history(from the first to the last of all its’ kingdoms), and group them together to take “one” picture, plus the little horn and ten horns, then the completed picture will be the seven heads’ beast.

But if you zoom-in the seven heads’ beast to a specific history period, you will see the seven heads’ beast become a specific kingdom. Just like you will see the seven heads’ beast become Babylon Empire – the lion head with eagle wings beast, or Greek Empire – the leopard head with four bird wings beast…

All beasts are part of seven heads’ beast depends on you zoom out or zoom in. Zoom out the history, you will see the seven heads’ beast. Zoom in the history, you will see a specific kingdom.

The 8th beast – little horn

Revelation 17:8 “The beast that “you saw” was, and is not, and is about to rise from the bottomless pit and go to destruction. And the dwellers on earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world will marvel to see the beast, because it was and is not and is to come.”

Revelation 17:11 “As for the beast that was and is not, it is an “eighth” but it belongs to the seven”. The beast appearing in front of John at that moment was : the “eighth beast”, God separated the “eighth one” from the seven heads’ beast, but actually it belongs to the seven heads’ beast.  

So the answer is : John saw the beast before him was the “eighth beast“.

Is that a little bit confusing? Firstly John “saw” the prostitute sitting on the “seven heads” beast, but then angel explained the beast was the “eighth” one, is that makes you confused? Why did John seeing the seven heads’ beast would become the “eighth beast” ?

It was like angel zoom out the history, then John saw the seven heads’ beast. But now angel zoom into the seven heads’ beast, he wanted to show John a specific kingdom, that’s why John saw the eighth beast.

The little horn(eighth beast) and ten horns are also a part of the 7 heads’ beast.

Therefore in the different period of history, the beast would shown the different head. For example, the beast displayed the Egypt head in Moses’ time, and it showed the Babylon head(Lion) in Daniel’s time and Roman head(the combination of 10 horns and little horn) in apostle John’s time. In our days this beast is the eighth one(the little horn), “the beast with 2 horns that rise on earth”(Revelation 13:11). So the seven heads’ beast represents a “whole” of all of its’ kingdoms.

But why God says the beast with 7 heads not 8? The main reason is : the 8th one is belongs to the seven, it belongs to the 7th head beast(UK) – Revelation 17:11. Actually, God defines the 8th one not the head but the “little horn” in Daniel 7:8. The 8th one(little horn) is come from one of 10 horns-UK.

Why God separated it from the seven head’s beast? Maybe God want us to know the eighth one is a big big different with other seven kingdoms, who has much powerful than all seven kingdoms. The eighth beast possess mass strong destructive weapons that no other kingdoms could be. The eighth one is extremely terrifying, dreadful and exceedingly strong, broke in pieces and stamped what was left (Daniel 7:7).

This beast was exist before, and not exist in John’s time, is about to rise from the bottomless pit(to be exist) – is the 8th one. The 8th beast will be exist in the final period and last to the End Day, “and it goes to destruction” finally – Revelation 17:11.

The eighth beast – the beast 666

Who is the eighth kingdom of the world hegemony? This beast is what Revelation chapter 13 talking about, who is raised out of the earth with 2 horns, and it’s name is 666. Why?

Do you know who is the eighth beast? What is its name? The beast’s name is United States(US). Please read <The Beast 666> and <The four Great Beast>. Then who are the ten horns and what does it mean? And why the angel said the eighth beast “was, and is not, and is about to rise from the bottomless pit”?

We are sure that this beast is not exist in John’s time, but how about before and after John’s time? It existed before, but not existed in John’s time? What does it mean it will come out from the bottomless pit?

It related to the mortal wound head of Revelation 13:3. What does the ‘bottomless pit’ mean? It means the place store the dead, it is the unlimited capacity place like bottomless pit. So it means that one was killed before John’s time? Yes, who was he?

We can say this wounded head is Greece, why? Because Greece was the first one to develop the Democracy System, a different political system rather than other Empires. Firstly, the Democracy political system was flourishing in Greece, but then was killed by Roman Empire(symbolized by Gaius Lulius Caesar was killed by sword in Italy, “the wounded head”, his death symbolized the end of Democracy System). After that the kingdom of “Democracy system” was killed and disappeared during Apostle John’s time. Till…

Wounded head
wounded head

Till to 14th-15th century, Democracy was being healed. Firstly was healed in Italy(interesting for it killed in Italy and healing also started in Italy), and then the other Europe countries, and then flourishing in US in 19th -20th century. And the whole world(all other countries) was marveled and followed the beast(US-the little horn), they followed him and changed to Democracy political system one by one. They worship the beast(US) but actually they worship the dragon, saying, “Who is like the beast(US), and who can fight against it?”. Yes, no one(country) can fight against US, even Russia or China.

So the wounded head(symbol of Democracy) the Greek Empire was, but killed in John’s time(not exist), and would be rising from bottomless pit(will exist, the healed head become US, the new form of Democracy appearance, US=the symbol of Democracy).

Ten Horns = Ten Kings

And how about ten horns? Who are they? What does it mean?

Revelation 17:12 “And the ten horns that you saw are “ten kings” who have not yet received royal power, but they are to receive authority as kings for “one hour“, together with the beast“.

Daniel 7:7,8 “…It(the 4th beast) was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns(EU). I considered the horns, and behold, there came up among them another horn, a little one(US)…”.

Daniel 7:20 “and about the ten horns that were on its head, and the other horn(US) that came up… and that seemed greater than its companions”.

Daniel 7:24 “As for the ten horns,
out of this kingdom(Roman Empire) ten kings shall arise,
    and another shall arise after them(the little horn, US);
he shall be different from the former ones…”

Daniel 2:41,42

41 And as you saw the feet and toes(10 toes 10 horns), partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, it shall be a divided kingdom, but some of the firmness of iron shall be in it, just as you saw iron mixed with the soft clay. 

42 And as the toes of the feet(10 toes 10 horns) were partly iron and partly clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly brittle.

Ten horns are “ten kings”, they have not yet received royal power at John’s time, but they will get the royal power in the final period of the end time(only one hour), they will be the last one to receive the highest dominion, and rule together with the eighth beast-US, and then will go to destruction. The 10 toes are the final part what Daniel told us about the statue.

If we back to the history, we can find that the fourth beast of Daniel’s vision was Roman Empire who is the iron legs, and the iron legs will last to the end day. But Roman Empire has fallen, how come it can be last to the end day? Let’s see…

Before Roman Empire has fallen, it ruled over all European territories including Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain… After that Rome Empire was fallen and broken down into many European countries(become ten horns) like those above, and this situation has remained till to now.

The ten of biblical meaning is “a whole“. Now they have formed the EU(European Union) and NATO(a whole), we can say they are the ‘ten toes’ or ‘ten horns’, they are ten kings. Their kingdom “partly strong and partly brittle” (formed by Union or intermarriage – EU European Union).

Ten horns and Little horn, partly clay and partly iron

13 These are of one mind(EU), and they hand over their power and authority to the beast(the eighth one, US). 16 And the ten horns(EU) that you saw, they and the beast(US) will hate the prostitute. They will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire, 17 for God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind and handing over their royal power to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled” – Revelation 17:13,16,17.

Please read <Babylon the Great>.

“They(EU and US) will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful”. – Revelation 17:14

In the last minute of the final ‘one hour‘, they(EU and US) will make war on the Lamb, Jesus will conquer them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings. Yes, Jesus will come back officially at that time.


Let’s see <King of kings Lord of lords>.

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