The Beast 666
This is the mystery of the seven heads’ beast, the eighth beast(little horn) its name is “666”, and the 10 horns. This beast is related to prophet Daniel about <four Great Beast>. Please read it, specially the fourth beast with the little horn, then you will know more about the mystery of the beast 666 of Revelation chapter 13.
It should be clarified that “666” is the name of the beast, not the symbol of Devil Satan. Let’s see the Revelation chapter 13 of the beast…
7 heads’ Beast with 10 horns
Revelation 13:1 “And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads.”
Same as four great beasts of Daniel chapter 7, seven heads’ beast is also come from sea. What does it mean? It means its power is come from Spirit world, from the Red Dragon the Devil Satan. The seven heads’ beast of Revelation has 10 horns with 10 diadems, the 10 horns means 10 kingdoms and 10 diadems means the royal power they received, its’ head has blasphemous names.
Seven heads’ beast – a “whole”
2 And the beast that I saw was like a leopard; its feet were like a bear’s, and its mouth was like a lion’s mouth. And to it the dragon gave his power and his throne and great authority. – Revelation 13:2
The four beasts of Daniel’s Vision are Lion, Bear, Leopard and the undefined beast with “10 horns and little horn“. Is that similar the 7 heads’ beast what John was seeing?
Yes, the seven heads’ beast has the same characteristics with the four beasts. In Daniel’s Vision each beast symbolic a kingdom. So is that “7 heads’ beast” that John saw was like a combination of four beasts? Yes, 7 heads’ beast symbolic “a whole“, a combination of the all beasts. Why we can say that?
Revelation 17:7,9-10 says, “7 …Why do you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman, and of the beast with seven heads and ten horns that carries her. 9 This calls for a mind with wisdom: the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman is seated; 10 they are also seven kings, five of whom have fallen, one is(existing), the other has not yet come, and when he does come he must remain only a little while”.
7 Heads – 7 Kingdoms
Angel told us the seven heads are seven “mountains” which means the seven kingdoms, for example we say the “kingdom” of God is the highest “mountain”. Five kingdoms had fallen when angel speaking to John. Who were they? They were : Egypt(the first one), and then Assyria(2nd), Babylonia(3rd), Medo-Persia(4th) and Greece(5th).
They are also seven kings, that means each kingdom has a representative key man(king). That king is the symbol of its kingdom, like Nebuchadnezzar is the “representative” of Babylon Empire.
Who is the sixth mountain? It’s no doubt of the sixth kingdom was Roman Empire, existing in John’s time.
Who was the seventh head? It was the British Empire(the sun never sets Empire). So this beast with seven heads represents “a whole”, “a combination” from ancient Egypt to the modern time of British Empire. And its power its throne and great authority was given by the dragon.
mortal wounded Head
Revelation 13:3,4 One of its heads(a kingdom or a king) seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast. 4 And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?”
One of its heads have a mortal wound, but was healed, and the whole earth followed the beast. What does it mean? The mortal wound occurred on one of its heads, which one? Which king? Is that means the wounded head(kingdom) will be renaissance again? No, it’s power of the Empire has passed over. So it does not mean the empire renaissance. Then what does it mean and who is the wounded head?
We can say the wounded head is Greece, why? Because Greece was the “first kingdom” to develop the Democracy System, which is a brand new and a totally different political system rather than other Empires.
The Democracy political system was flourishing in Greece firstly, but killed by Roman Empire(symbolized by the Gaius Lulius Caesar was killed in Italy by sword, one of its heads(“a king”) have a mortal wound).
After that it disappeared(death of Democracy), until…
Until 19th-20th century, the Democracy was healed. Firstly was in Italy at 14th-15th century, then was following by the other European countries and then flourishing into the US. And the whole world(all other countries) was marveled and followed the beast, they followed him and changed their political system to Democracy system one by one.
They worship the beast(US+EU) but actually they worship the dragon, saying, “Who is like the beast(the US and EU), and who can fight against it?”. Yes, no one(country) can fight against it, even Russia or China. If they don’t believe it can be try, but they shall be defeated definitely.
Incidentally, God has created another system which is “God’s Kingdom” that is better than all of them, and it is the best.
Let’s continue…
Make war on Saints ; blasphemies God
Revelation 13:5 “And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months.”
Revelation 13:6 “It opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling, that is, those who dwell in heaven.”
Revelation 13:7 “Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them.”
The beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, who gave it? Who gave the power to it? Yes, it was the Red Dragon. How did the beast(US and EU) blasphemies against God, blasphemies His name and those who dwell in the heaven?
For example, they steal God’s sign “Rainbow” to represent sexual immorality of homosexuality and transsexuality… to blasphemy God and the Heaven. The beast(US) call June Pride Month and hold many activities to promote the homosexuality, sexual perversion… You can imagine how angry of the heaven. They promote their behavior “pride” cover up their evils to blasphemy God’s sign – rainbow.
Beast’s period – 42 months
The beast(started from Rome) was given authority for forty-two months to make war on saints and conquer them. We have studied <Two Witnesses> and <Seven Churches and Seven Stars> before and known that the forty-two months symbolic the period from AD 70 till to the End Day. This period is also the “Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles(from AD70), until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled(the End Day).”-Luke 21:24.
Revelation 11:7 “And when they(two witnesses-two churches) have finished their testimony, the beast that rises from the bottomless pit will make war on them and conquer them and kill them”
Daniel 7:21,22 “As I looked, this horn(little horn, the beast raise from the bottomless pit) made war with the saints and prevailed over them, 22 until the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was given for the saints of the Most High, and the time came when the saints possessed the kingdom.”
Revelation 13:7,8
“…And authority was given it(the beast) over every tribe and people and language and nation,
8 and all who dwell on earth will worship it, everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain.”
The authority was given to the beast over every tribe and people and language and nation. For all(nations) who dwell on earth will worship the beast but they will be slain.
Revelation 13:9,10
9 If anyone has an ear, let him hear:
10 If anyone is to be taken captive,
to captivity he goes;
if anyone is to be slain with the sword,
with the sword must he be slain.
Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints.
Why did angel say “Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints” in verse 10? Was that related to the saints?
Yes maybe, maybe the verse 10 was talking about the saints and they will be killed by the beast- “two witnesses” be killed. So for someone(saints) who maybe taken captive or will be slain, this will be a call for the endurance and faith of the saints. Please also read <The Greatest Top Tree and Seven Periods> and <Seventy Sevens – Seventy Weeks> for more about the periods of the beast.
Let’s back to the beast…
Mystery of 666
Revelation 13:11 “Then I saw “another” beast rising out of the earth(not from sea). It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon.”
Why does there another beast rise from the earth? Not like other beasts came from sea. Who is this beast? It has two horns.
Revelation 13:12-18
12 It exercises all the authority of the first beast(7 heads’ beast) in its presence, and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed.
13 It performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in front of people,
14 and by the signs that it is allowed to work in the presence of the beast it deceives those who dwell on earth, telling them to make an image for the beast that was wounded by the sword and yet lived.
15 And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain.
16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead,
17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.
18 This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man(human), and his number is ‘666‘.
Firstly, the 7 heads’ beast represents a whole of all its kingdoms(all heads) which got the authority power from the Red Dragon. At the different time period, the beast will show up a different head(kingdom), like the beast’s head of the days of Daniel was Babylon Empire(3rd head), the time of apostle John was the head of Rome Empire(6th head).
Healed Beast = The 8th One
And then, who is the beast(kingdom) of Revelation 13:11 which rise on earth?
Revelation 13:3 One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was “healed“.
Revelation 17:8 “The beast(Greece) that you saw was, and is not(not existing in John’s time), and is about to rise from the bottomless pit(the eighth one) and go to destruction.”
Revelation 17:11 “As for the beast that was, and is not, it is an “eighth” but it belongs to the seven(seven heads’ beast)”.
We can say this beast(rising out of the earth) was part of the “seven heads beast”. Actually this beast also belongs to that “seven heads’ beast”, for the “seven heads’ beast” is a “whole” of those beasts.
In the another words : the beast that rise from earth can be said is the “8th head” of 7 heads’ beast. That’s why Revelation 17:11 say it is the “eighth one“, the fifth head(Greece) got the mortal wound, and then the healed head became the “eighth one” who was risen from bottomless pit.
But why did God particularly use a new beast not the eighth head to symbolize it?
The eighth one = the little Horn
It tells us the eighth one(little horn) is really different from the before, it is much greater, so God particularly uses a new beast to emphasize its significant and existing not use a head only. But this beast(the eighth head) actually belongs to the seven heads’ beast(belongs to the seventh head-British Empire).
Same as the fourth great beast of Daniel’s vision, the little horn was come out of one among the ten horns, and the little horn became the biggest. We can say the little horn of Daniel’s vision is the eighth beast of Revelation 13:11. And this beast has name or represents its name’s number “666“, “666” is the number of man(mankind). So what does it mean? who is the beast? What is its name? This is the mystery, but will be revealed at the end time and maybe is now.
666 – number of mankind
Angel told us “666” was related to the number of man(mankind) and calculating the number would know the beast’s name. How do we know its name? We know the only relationship of 6 with man is : God created man in the 6th day. So that is the reason why God used 6 to represent man?
This is the only explanation. But why is three “6”? Does it mean 3 men? If it means “3 men”, this let us bring to mind the 3 sons of Noah, because every tribes and peoples and languages and nations are developed from those “3 men”. If so, then three ‘6’ means the together of them, or their combination or their bond?
So what is the name of the beast? The angel gave us a hints, calculate the number, it is the number of a man(mankind). So, angel said calculate the number of man…
Firstly, the offspring of the 3 sons formed many different “Tribe“, and then many tribes formed to a kind of “People“, and then many kind of people developed to a “Language“, and then many languages combined to a “Nation“, and then many nations bonded become a “State“. The bond of 3 sons together means they are “United“.
Is that similar to what Genesis 11:6 has said?
“And YHWH said, “Behold, they are one people(united), and they have all one language(united), and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them.”
So the beast name will be : “United States“-US. Is it the meaning of “666” the beast’s name?
United of mankind – United States
Yes, I think so. English “United” means combine together, and “States” means united from many different nations(number of mankind). So many men> “Tribe“, many tribes> a kind of “People“, many kind of people> “Language“, many languages> “Nation“, many nations> “State“.
Revelation 13:7 “And authority was given it(the beast) over every tribe and people and language and nation.”
Please imagine Japanese face, a Japanese face will appear in you mind. Please imagine British face, a face of British will appear too. Please imagine Chinese, Egyptian, South African, Italian… you will got their face image of you mind. Right?
But how about Americans? You can’t imagine their face firmly, why? Because they can be the white people or black or Asian or African or European or Middle Easterners or Indian… They can be all kind of people. Only one country of the world is like this, that is United States. All countries have their own people’s unique face except US. Right?
Raise on earth ; has 2 horns
The beast(US) raised on earth(land) and it has two horns. What does it mean? It was different from other beasts which were raised from the sea, their power is from the red dragon directly. The power of this beast (the United States) comes from the election of its political system, comes from their people (from symbolized “earth”), not only from red dragon.
It has 2 horns, and horn means the king, so it means US has two kings. Two kings? Who are they? They are the Democratic and the Republican parties. They looks like lamb(Jesus) kind, love, righteousness, just… but actually it speaks like dragon(the real inside).
Although the power of US is from its people, but “It exercises all the authority of the first beast(Seven heads’ beast)”. It “makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed”, the mortal wound head was healed and became the eighth one – US.
US is the eighth beast and it makes all other countries and inhabitants worship Greece(Democracy System), Greece is the founder of Democracy political system.
An Image of seven heads’ Beast
“14 and by the signs that it(US) is allowed to work in the presence of the beast, it deceives those who dwell on earth, telling them to make an image for the beast that was wounded by the sword and yet lived. 15 And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain.”
US deceives those(all countries) who dwell on earth, telling them to make an image(‘United Nations’) for the beast that was wounded. And the wounded and healed beast is itself, so it created an image for itself.
The name of the 8th beast is ‘United States’ in English, and the image it created is named ‘United Nations’ in English. The 8th beast gave breath to the image means it gave live and power to ‘United Nations’, and the image has to listen to the 8th beast US. The image of the beast might even speak(United Nations General Assembly) and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain(United Nations Force).
Mark the right hand or forehead
And it causes all(countries), both small(countries) and great(countries), both rich(countries) and poor(countries), both free(countries) and slave(countries), to be marked on the right hand or the forehead(belongs to the beast 666). So that no one can buy or sell through those trading system(organization) that US setup, unless he has the mark(belongs to and stand on US side).
It causes “all“, “small” and “great”, “rich” and “poor”, “free” and “slave”…. marked on the right hand or the forehead… What does it mean “all“? Is that mean “all” individual man?
We are sure that it does not mean all individual people, at least all saints and God’s people won’t have mark of the beast.
So if this terms “all” does not mean “individual” people, then it will be the another meaning. We can say it means “all countries” that formed by man(all people), whatever the country is small or great, the country is rich or poor, free or slave.
And we see that all terms what God using in Revelation is pointed to an “organization“, not the specific individual man. So that’s why we say : all means all countries, whatever they are small(country) and great(country), rich(country) and poor(country), free(country) and slave(country).
Does the mystery of “666” has revealed? Is that really means US? Yes, United States is really the number of man(mankind), and it matches “all conditions” of the beast 666.
1.) US belongs to the seven heads’ beast(UK).
2.) Who can fight against it? No one. Only one world hegemony that is United States.
3.) The eighth one has 2 horns. US has 2 Kings – Republican Party and Democratic Party.
4.) Blasphemies God with “Pride Month”.
5.) US created an image “United Nations”.
If it is not the US, where to find another world hegemony powerful than US? Could you point it out? And also the “authority was given to it(US) over every tribe and people and language and nation“. Let us Praise and Glorify Jehovah God, for He is the only True God who has revealed it before 2000 years. May we all Worship and Honor Heavenly Father, faith in Jehovah God and His salvation. Amen.
Please also read <Ten horns and the beast>.
Interesting Question
An interesting question, does “666” mean the number or the quantity(Six hundred and sixty-six)? If it means the quantity, then Revelation 13:18 this verse will be…
“This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the ‘quantity‘ of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his ‘quantity‘ is Six Hundred and Sixty-Six.”
You see, it seems does not make sense. If so, angel has given the answer already, the quantities is six hundred and sixty-six. Why should we have to understanding and calculate it? If so, does it mean there are six hundred and sixty-six beasts?
So ‘666’ should be a number, and we believe apostle John wrote down ‘666’ is not the quantity of six hundred and sixty-six. Then verse 18 will be made sense, “his number is 666”. So ‘6’ means number not the quantity.
Another interesting question : Does the seven heads’ beast and the beast “666” means the Anti-Christ?
Someone says the heads of the beast means the “anti-Christ”, which means Roman Catholic. But it seems it has conflict with the explanation of the angel about Daniel’s vision. For angel said the beast and the horn means political world hegemony, how come this meaning will change to religious dimension? Also angel said five kings has fallen in John’s time, they were already fallen before Jesus Christ was born. How could the “anti-Christ” against him before he was born?
Moreover, “who can fight against it?” means no country can make war and beat it, because it has the sharpest and most lethal weapons. So that’s clear the heads and the horns means the kingdom(the political world hegemony) not the Roman Catholic, if so it will be inconsistent of the previous meaning of heads and horns. However, you can define the beast as the antichrist in general terms, but that’s not the specific and exactly meaning that the angels want us to know.
One more, someone says that “666 the number of a man” means one man who is the anti Christ, and the number of his name’s letter is equal to 666. Is that really mean a real man and the number of his name is 666? If yes, it is also inconsistent with the previous meaning about the beasts, for all beasts are the name of its kingdom(the political world hegemony) like Babylon, Greece, Roman… not an individual man’s name. So the conclusion of the beast 666 is a great country , for it combines all kind of peoples(number of mankind), they are “United” and formed together be “States”, it is US, and its’ English name is United States(666 is the number of mankind).
Goes to destruction
This beast will be destroyed soon…
Daniel 7:9,10 says,
9 “As I looked,
thrones were placed,
and the Ancient of Days took his seat;
his clothing was white as snow,
and the hair of his head like pure wool;
his throne was fiery flames;
its wheels were burning fire.
10 A stream of fire issued
and came out from before him;
a thousand thousands served him,
and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him;
the court sat in judgment,
and the books were opened.
The judgment time has come,
Let’s see the <Judgment has come>…
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